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✺ Kundalini Tantra ✺ Esoteric Anatomy ✺ Holistic Healing 

✺ Initiations ✺ Sound Healing ✺ Massage ✺ Inner Alchemy ✺ Plant Medicine

✺ Dream Symbology 

"Your essence is your art, and you are a living masterpiece!" ~ Artemis


Hello beautiful BEING and welcome to Wild Divine. I am so happy to receive you here in all of your light and all of your shadow. I am here to inspire the unleashing of your creative, life force energy and the Awakening of your Ecstatic Nature.

YOU are the Medicine.  

As a Spiritual Mentor, Shamanic Tantrika, & Kundalini Yogini, I am passionate about Mindful Awakenings, Plant Medicine, Ecstatic Energetics, Embodiment and Living a Life of Sensual Flow. I am currently diving deep into the Artistry of Life: A Wise Woman's Journey into Menopause.  My intuitive, holistic and down-to-earth approaches are imbued with love and rooted in the wisdom and cycles of (your) nature.

Living in Sensual Flow is about Living in Rhythm. It's about how we interact with the natural world, ourselves and the people around us in our authenticity, wholeness and truth. It's about honouring our natural life cycles and uniqueness and giving and receiving love effortlessly. My offerings are a complete lifestyle blueprint for alchemizing all of your life's experiences as vehicles for spiritual growth, personal evolution, and an awakened sense of presence in your day to day life. You will learn how to integrate and embody your personally designed framework with dynamic and practical tools that bring more power, pleasure and purpose into your life. You will be inspired to follow the flow of your ever changing needs and desires and trust your internal guidance system to lead the way.

“Through the integration and embodiment of my own lived experiences and the healing journey of light and shadow, I guide a safe and sacred space for you to explore your aliveness and the Blissfulness of Being.

I am a mirror to your own healing and inner wisdom. I initiate the remembering of those deep and ancient parts of you and to celebrate the mystery and magic of your spiritual, human experience.”


I offer one on one sessions, mentorships and online courses that will guide you through an experiential and sensual healing journey to explore your edges, increase you energy & vitality and dive into the depths of your infinite potential.

*Through my own lived experiences with neurodivergence, I am well versed in how trauma and nervous system dysregulation can present itself in our body, mind and spirit as disruptive habits, patterns, and behaviours. This can be experienced as anxiety, depression, ADHD, bipolar, BPD, OCD, chronic self shaming & self sabotage, rumination, addiction, sexual issues and other related challenges that can actually become alchemized and used for self healing because YOU are your OWN healer! When you begin to unravel the entanglements that have been masking your pure, crystalline essence, your truth, your power and your purpose are revealed! Bountiful, Beautiful. Blissful YOU!


It’s been 5 years now that I broke completely open and felt the divine move through me in a way that I could’ve never imagined possible. The whispers of spirit, the ancient wisdom and the playfulness of nature filled my soul with such explosive bliss & sexual energy that I was clear on LOVE being the only way to be. A spiraling into untethered boundlessness. I was given wings of flight to soar into my own effervescent light for months on end! I ate the sun and drank the moon and was drunk on my own Ecstatic Embodiment...And then i plundered. Falling deep into the shadow abyss of what it feels to be human. Memory, traumas, stories, confines, constructs, guilt, shame, and the like. An unravelling. A spiritual awakening, an emergence, an emergency. A healing journey like no other.

Pleasure and pain in breaking free from the chains that bind. 

More recently I experienced a Kundalini awakening. A symphony of blissful crescendos were being played through my divine and human instrument. A relentless, ecstatic, and penetrative force was rippling through my entire, glorious being with undulations so intense I was gripping the earth as my anchor. A deep and pure awareness of Shakti...our ecstatic life force energy!  I was in complete and total AWE. Fully surrendered and cloaked in the loving consciousness of Christ. 

After the height of the journey, I called on the protective arms of my lover and melted. Held and grounded. Beaming with light. Feeling the beautiful, bountiful and blissful sensual flow of the universe coursing though me. Loved and loving. 

2 years later, I am now attuned to a more subtle, vibrational resonance. I have access to infinite energetic pleasure within myself and energy that can be shared with and attuned another (something I continue to practice and harness). I sometimes find myself in states of pure, meditative neutrality. Pure peace. The pulsing of life force energy. Being in my beingness. The shadows still reveal themselves and I explore the hidden treasures in the pain. It's not an easy feat but it heals the deeply rooted wounds....and then again I am alive in the richness of the human experience. I have found self love and compassion. I would have never believed that this exists.

But it DOES. And it is also YOURS. Within YOU! It is in all of us.

As I continue to unravel, integrate and embody all that I was gifted to remember, I am grateful for this life's journey. I am grateful for those who are called to share their hearts with me as I walk alongside them through

their own awakening and evolution. 

I am here for THIS. To love and be loved. Effortlessly. Unconditionally. Eternally.
So Hum. I AM. I AM.


Love, Artemis xo

✺ Sexuality ✺ Sensual Flow ✺ Ecstatic Nature  ✺ Spiritual Awakenings ✺ Spiritual Emergencies ✺ Spiritual Psychosis ✺ Addictions

✺ Nutrition ✺ Exploring Core Wounds ✺ Anxiety & Depression ✺ Bi-Polar ✺ ADHD ✺ Hormonal Balance ✺ Mental Emotional Health ✺ Business Niche Coaching

Artemis: About

G, Ontario

In My language , we have a saying, "ლამაზ სხეულში ლამაზი სულია" - "In a beautiful body resides a beautiful soul." Artemis embodies this saying to its very core, demonstrating through her yoga and spiritual guidance that true beauty and peace come from within.  With patience, empathy, and wisdom, She guided me through the process of self-discovery, helping me to see that what I perceived as abnormality in myself was actually a unique aspect of my being. Through her guidance, I've learned to view myself and the world around me in a new light, finding peace and acceptance in the understanding that I am not alone, nor am I 'crazy.' The jour

For anyone who feels lost, conflicted, or in search of inner peace, I cannot recommend Artemis highly enough. ​

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